
Don't overthink the movement

Many times I have to say this to clients and gym members. They tend to worry and overthink an exercise, and their form turns to shit when they do. It works much better when they just move. After coaching them on the basics, I tell them, "Your body knows what to do, you just have to let it."

Gray Cook talks about squatting and deadlifting being natural movements any child can do but which adults forget. Here's an example. 

I doubt this child learned to deadlift and squat from her excellent coach parents, I can't even get my 13 month old son to refrain from chucking his water cup off the edge of his high chair, infants are not very coachable. It's simply that the hip hinge and squat movements are natural to us, she's plainly not thinking about it. Somewhere between being toddlers and being adults we unlearn these movements and have to be taught them again. 

Get the basics of the movement, then get moving. Don't sweat the details in the beginning, just get moving.

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